Dark Cloud Mansion pictured below


Each dungeon can be entered via an Entrance NPC. Certain requirements must be met in order to enter an instanced dungeon, including a set level, number of party members, a specific item, and/or a quest. Some conditions and requirements are listed on the next tab.

The request to enter an instanced dungeon must be made by the party leader.

There is a limit to the number of instanced dungeons players may enter per day.

If players are moved outside of an instanced zone by teleporting to the nearest town after death, or by using a Scroll of Escape, they can re-enter the area as long as their instance of the dungeon still exists.

If players log in after logging out inside an instanced dungeon, they are moved outside the dungeon. After rejoining the party, they can re-enter the area as long as their instance of the dungeon still exists.

If a party leader has already initiated the instance, they cannot invite a new member to join there party from inside the instance. The party’s size cannot be increased once they are inside the dungeon.

Players cannot use the Party Member Summon Skill while inside instanced dungeons; however, the Party Member Summon Skill can be used to summon original members of the party upon entry that are inside the castle/fortress-related dungeons.

Lord_3D аватар
Yiyen: So impatient! Good

So impatient! Good manners never hurt anyone, you know... Oh, well, so you wish to know about the requirements for entry? Very well.
first for all, the magical characters above the entrance signify two people holding hands. I interpret this to mean that one person alone will not be granted entry. This glyph here...represents "mighty power." Perhaps the ones who enter must possess a certain level of strength.
Hmm...you can ignore the rest of these symbols; I'm sure they have no bearing on this subject.
To be perfectly honest with you, I can't actually read the rest yet -- but they don't seem very important based on their position.
(To enter, form a party of two characters who are over level 78.)
Enter the Dark Cloud Mansion.

Опубликовано Lord_3D в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 14:17.
Petra аватар


Опубликовано Petra в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 14:53.
dronslipknot аватар
Англичани хреновы =)

Англичани хреновы =)

Опубликовано dronslipknot в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 15:09.
DarkAPXOH аватар
Yiyen - явно не инглиш)

Yiyen - явно не инглиш)

Опубликовано DarkAPXOH в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 16:49.
WithOutBrain аватар

Wie heist du ?

Опубликовано WithOutBrain в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 17:40.
Lord_3D аватар
Ich haise Lord )

Ich haise Lord )

Опубликовано Lord_3D в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 18:30.
WithOutBrain аватар

Wo ist die bankhof ? :D

Опубликовано WithOutBrain в Ср, 11/26/2008 - 19:15.
DarkAPXOH аватар
так что лорд, править тп то

так что лорд, править тп то будешь или нет? не работает ведь нифига

Опубликовано DarkAPXOH в Чт, 11/27/2008 - 15:35.

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