виды LSов (какие бонусы/скиллы могут дать)

Accuracy +X (Х = от +0.4 до +3.0)
CP Recovery +X (X = от +0.1 до +0.8)
Critical +X (X = от +4.9 до +32.7)
Dodge +X (X = от +0.4 до +3.0)
HP Recovery +X (X = от до and +0.8)
M. Atk. +X (X = от +2.5 до +28.2)
Maximum CP +X (X = от +19.2 до +214.9)
Maximum HP +X (X = от +12.7 до +155.9)
Maximum MP +X (X = от +6.1 до +115.1)
M. Def. +X (X = от +4 до +30.8)
MP Recovery +X (X = от +0.1 до +0.4)
P. Atk. +X (X = от +2.2 до +24.2)
P. Def. +X (X = от +5.1 до +38.2)
CON +1
INT +1
MEN +1
STR +1


Active Skills (Max Level Effect)

Acrobatics - Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage temporarily.
Aggression - Increases the target's urge to attack. Power 659.
Agility - Increases Dodge temporarily.
Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack. Power 110.
Battle Roar - Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Bleed - Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily. Effect 8.
Blessed Body - Increases the maximum HP by 300 temporarily.
Blessed Soul - Increases the maximum MP by 200 temporarily.
Charm - Decreases a target's urge to attack. Power 330.
Cheer - Increases the maximum CP by 300 temporarily.
Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rates for all skills.
Doom - Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Duel Weakness - Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Empower - Increases M. Atk. temporarily.
Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee.
Firework - Ignites a Firework.
Focus - Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.
Guidance - Increases Accuracy temporarily.
Heal Empower - Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Heal - Immediately recovers your HP. Power 552.
Hold - Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Hurricane - Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 110.
Hurricane - Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Hurricane - Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Hydro Blast - Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Hydro Blast - Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Hydro Blast - Unleashes a spray of highly pressurized water. Power 110.
Iron Body - Raises resistance to damage from falling.
Kiss of Eva - Increases Lung Capacity temporarily.
Large Firework - Ignites a Large Firework.
Lesser Celestial Shield - Bestows temporary invincibility.
Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. temporarily.
Mana Burn - Burns up the enemy's MP. Power 120.
Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.
Medusa - Temporarily throws the target into a petrified state.
Might - Increases P. Atk. temporarily.
Music Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills.
Music Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for song/dance skills.
Music - Plays music.
Mystery Skill - Increases your head size.
Paralyze - Temporarily throws the target into a state of paralysis.
Party Recall - Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Peace - Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Poison - Temporarily poisons a target. Effect 8.
Prayer - Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Prominence - Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster. Power 110.
Prominence - Unleashes a flaming attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Prominence - Unleashes a flaming attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Recall - Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room.
Recall - Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room.
Recharge - Regenerates MP. Power 69.
Reflect Damage - Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use times for all skills.
Resurrection - Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp.
Ritual - Regenerates CP. Power 473.
Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack. Power 110.
Shield - Increases P. Def. temporarily.
Silence - Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Skill Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills.
Skill Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for physical skills.
Sleep - Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep when you are under attack. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Slow - Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.
Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred attack. Power 110.
Spell Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for magical skills.
Spell Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for magic skills.
Stealth - Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Stone - Attacks the enemies near a target with a stone boulder. Power 55.
Stone - Attacks the target with a stone boulder. Power 110.
Stone - Unleashes an earthen attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.
Stun - Temporarily throws the target into a state of shock.
Trick - Cancels the target's status.
Unlock - Opens level 3 doors with 100% probability and chests below level 72 with 90% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief.
Vampiric Rage - Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Vampiric Touch - Absorbs HP. Power 88.
Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.
Winter - Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.


Chance Skills (Max Level Effect)

Aggression Down - Decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 330.
Aggression Up - Increases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 659.
Aggression - Provokes a target to attack during an ordinary physical attack. Power 659.
Agility - Increases Evasion when under attack temporarily.
Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during a critical attack. Effect 8.
Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during a general physical attack. Effect 8.
Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during magic use. Effect 8.
Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state when you are under attack. Effect 8.
Blessed Body - Increases maximum HP by using attack rate for a certain amount of time.
Blessed Soul - Increases maximum MP when under attack for a certain amount of time.
Charm - Decreases a target's urge to attack during a general physical attack. Power 330.
Charm - Decreases the enemy's urge to attack when you are under attack.
Cheer - Increases maximum CP when under attack for a certain amount of time.
Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.
Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a general physical attack.
Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during magic use.
Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills when you are under attack.
Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. when under attack temporarily.
Duel Weakness - Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. when you are under attack temporarily.
Empower - Increases M. Atk. when under attack temporarily.
Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a critical attack.
Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a general physical attack.
Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during magic use.
Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee when you are under attack.
Focus - Increases the critical attack rate when under attack temporarily.
Guidance - Increases Accuracy when under attack temporarily.
Heal - Restores your HP by using attack rate.
Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during an ordinary physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during magic use. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. when under attack temporarily.
Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during a critical attack. Power 88.
Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during an ordinary physical attack. Power 88.
Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during magic use. Power 88.
Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when under attack.
Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a critical attack.
Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a general physical attack.
Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during magic use.
Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state when you are under attack.
Might - Increases P. Atk. when under attack temporarily.
Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during a critical attack.
Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during an ordinary physical attack.
Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during magic use.
Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis when you are under attack.
Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during a critical attack. Effect 8.
Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during a general physical attack. Effect 8.
Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during magic use. Effect 8.
Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state when you are under attack. Effect 8.
Prayer - Increases the effect of HP recovery magic by using attack rate for a certain amount of time.
Recharge - Restores your MP by using attack rate.
Ritual - Restores CP when under attack.
Shield - Increases P. Def. when under attack temporarily.
Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.
Silence -Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a general physical attack.
Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during magic use.
Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill when you are under attack.
Slow - Momentarily decreases a target's speed during an ordinary physical attack. Effect 3.
Slow - Momentarily decreases a target's speed when you are under attack.
Slow - Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a critical attack. Effect 3.
Slow - Momentarily decreases the target's speed during magic use. Effect 3.
Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during a critical attack.
Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during an ordinary physical attack.
Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during magic use.
Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock when you are under attack.
Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when under attack temporarily.
Winter - Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during an ordinary physical attack. Effect 3.
Winter - Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. when you are under attack.
Winter - Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack. Effect 3.
Winter - Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. during magic use. Effect 3.


Passive Skills

Acrobatics - Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage when equipped.
Agility - Increases evasion when equipped.
Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills when equipped.
Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. when equipped.
Empower - Increases M. Atk. when equipped.
Focus - Increases critical attack rate when equipped.
Guidance - Increases accuracy when equipped.
Heal Empower - Increases the power of HP recovery magic when equipped.
Iron Body - Raises resistance to damage from falling when equipped.
Kiss of Eva - Increases lung capacity when equipped.
Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. when equipped.
Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when equipped.
Might - Increases P. Atk. when equipped.
Music Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills when equipped.
Prayer - Increases the effect of HP recovery magic when equipped.
Reflect Damage - Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incur back to the enemy when equipped. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Shield - Increases P. Def. when equipped.
Skill Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills when equipped.
Spell Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for magic skills when equipped.
Weight Limit - Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times when equipped.
Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when equipped.

нагло мною стыренно с l2wh.com & l2guru.com
З.Ы.: перенеси Лорд пожалуйста

nut-case аватар

# These controls the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process
# Retail: 15, 30, 45, 60
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60

Опубликовано nut-case в Пт, 07/03/2009 - 11:30.
ППц, ты помоему тут все скилы

ППц, ты помоему тут все скилы в разных вариантах перечислил. Не прощще было про100 дать ссылку на базу?

Опубликовано INFINITI в Пт, 07/03/2009 - 20:06.
nut-case аватар

это собранная инфа как минимум с 2-х сайтов.

у некоторых нет инета если что.

Опубликовано nut-case в Пт, 07/03/2009 - 21:34.
Прикол в том, что когда

Прикол в том, что когда вставляеш ЛС, тоже самое видиш в характеристиках пухи и тут ничё нового в принципе ты не найдёш. Вот если бы ты с переводом все эти ЛСы тут написал, то да, другое дело, а так... смыса нету.

Опубликовано INFINITI в Сб, 07/04/2009 - 00:58.
nut-case аватар


мы с вами играем в разные игры.

Опубликовано nut-case в Сб, 07/04/2009 - 01:11.
mockw3 аватар
ну ты чувак и отписался !!

ну ты чувак и отписался !!

Опубликовано mockw3 в Сб, 07/04/2009 - 08:15.
nut-case аватар

ап для "гадающих"

Опубликовано nut-case в Сб, 07/25/2009 - 12:46.
Risen аватар
dex +1 тоже может дать

dex +1 тоже может дать

Опубликовано Risen в Вс, 07/26/2009 - 02:05.
nut-case аватар

можно узнать ваш источник данной информации?

Опубликовано nut-case в Вс, 07/26/2009 - 04:56.
Risen аватар


Опубликовано Risen в Вс, 07/26/2009 - 14:04.
nut-case аватар

эти вырезки взяты напрямую из кода клиента офф сервера.

Опубликовано nut-case в Вс, 07/26/2009 - 16:36.
Risen аватар
ты че спятел? смысл мне кому

ты че спятел? смысл мне кому то щас что-то доказывать? ты делаешь каждый скрин когда у тебя новый лс? бред не неси. Кстати этот лс попадался не только на цериеле

Опубликовано Risen в Пнд, 07/27/2009 - 00:31.
nut-case аватар

найду подтверждение - добавлю

Опубликовано nut-case в Пнд, 07/27/2009 - 02:54.
nut-case аватар


Опубликовано nut-case в Вс, 08/16/2009 - 16:27.
n_c_u_x аватар
ап куле! =)

ап куле! =)

Опубликовано n_c_u_x в Вс, 08/23/2009 - 00:02.
ncux аватар
nut-case ты все еще рубаешь?у

nut-case ты все еще рубаешь?у нас с n_c_u_x есть к тебе предложение
чиркани мне в контакте http://vkontakte.ru/id297284
зы.unfogiven я

Опубликовано ncux в Пнд, 08/24/2009 - 06:43.
nut-case аватар

Здарова Лёх.
чиркану после 1го числа обязательно)
но рубаю я реже, реал появилсо)))

Опубликовано nut-case в Пнд, 08/24/2009 - 20:10.
n_c_u_x аватар
omg, а почему я собсно не в

omg, а почему я собсно не в курсе? =))

Опубликовано n_c_u_x в Втр, 08/25/2009 - 23:37.
nut-case аватар

omfg, тя нету месяц почти))))

Опубликовано nut-case в Ср, 08/26/2009 - 09:10.
ncux аватар
короче джоник плохие

короче джоник плохие новости:пока в промежуток между 4 августа и 11 мою комнату вскрыли и ебнули комп и мобилу.а еще ко мне первака подселили.одно греет-что ноут хоть не нашли

Опубликовано ncux в Сб, 08/29/2009 - 15:15.
nut-case аватар


Опубликовано nut-case в Сб, 08/29/2009 - 20:13.

Сервер: выключен